pattern updates


For j triangles the squares should be 15 1/2" cut twice diagonally .
For k triangles the squares should be 9 1/2" cut once diagonally to give you a little more room to trim down.
You will need 1/2 yard extra for the border fabric.

Afternoon Tea

Afternoon Tea Quilt Pattern
Page 2
Borders Cutting Instructions
Piece and trim to 3 1/2" x 74 1/2" (not 68 1/2")

Flowers in a Pot

quilt finished size: 72 1/2" x 84 1/2"


All Things Beautiful

Page 4 center flower template C should be L

Page 16 Barn Block - h 3 ½” not 3”


Step 5 on page 3 should be Trim to measure 12 1/2" x 12 1/2" (not 10 1/2")

Delightful Dahlia

finished quilt size: 60" x 67 1/2"

unfinished quilt block size: 8" x 8"

a and f cut 3" square

b,c,e cut 4"

d cut 3 1/2"

step 1 and 2 trim to 3" x 3"


finished quilt size: 72 1/2" x 81 1/2"

unfinished quilt block size: 9 1/2" x 9 1/2"

a cut 3 1/2" square

b,c,e cut 4 1/2"

d cut 3 1/2"

f cut 3"

step 1 and 2 trim size is 3 1/2" x 3 1/2"


Tractor Pillow

Page 1 Black

4 instead of 5 r

2 instead of 1 s


12 instead of 11 aa

The exhaust pipe coming out of the tractor should be s not r

Snowflake Heaven pattern

Cutting Instructions

cream [h] should be 2" square, not 2.5" square

pink [k] should be (60) 2.5" squares cut diagonally to make 120 triangles


Cutting Instructions page 8:

From green FQ cut:fflo

(1) 8 1/2" x 1 3/4" [b] (not 2")

From pink FQ cut:

(1) 8 1/2" x 1 3/4" [c] (not 2")

Background fabric requirements are 5 yards, not 4 yards.

 rainy days pattern image


Page 1 – Finished block size is 12″ x 12″.
witches delight pattern image

Page 10 – Hen Block

Page 11 – Templates 2 and 3 should be 8 and 9.

The “I” and DD block should be cut 2″ rather than 1.5″….

The half square triangle needs to be trimmed to 1 3/4″ before cutting it cross ways.

At the top of that page is a block measurement 9 1/2″ x 1 1/2″ (step 3). Should be 5 3/4″ x 4″

The measurement for piece H in step 8 is also incorrect. It too shows 9 1/2″ x 1 1/2″. That piece actually measures 2 1/2″ x 12 1/2″.


cozy christmas pattern image

Page 3
For ribbons/bows cut:

(20) 1 7/8″ squares [h] (not 2 1/2″ squares).

Cut 4 squares (a) to yield 8 triangles
Cut aa at 3 1/2″ x 2″, not 3 1/2″ x 1 1/2″



the sewing bee pattern image

You will need 6 1/4 yards instead of 5 yards background (Country Confetti Marshmallow White)


strawberry fields forever pattern image

  • Border total length is 262″ (64″ x 2 plus 67″ x 2).
  • 262 divided by 42 = 6.23 (7) widths. 7 x 5.25 = 36.75
  • The pattern should say cut 7 strips, The fabric requirement should be 1.25 yards.


(2) 6″ × 3¼” [a]
(2) 8½” × 1¾” [b]
(4) 2¾” × 5½” [c]
(2) 3″ × 2¼” [d]
(2) 3″ × 1¼” [e]
(4) 1¾” squares [f]
(8) 1⅛” squares [g]
(4) 1″ × 5½” [h]
(2) 2½” × 8¼” [i]
(4) 1¾” × 3″ [j]

[w] is 1¼” × 3¼” (not 3¾”)


friends forever quilt pattern

  • Page 3 step 4. The “L” borders in the block should read “H” borders.
  • Page 2 Change M to 2” x 2 1/8” instead of 2” x 3 1/8”
  • Page 5 and 6 change Q to P


 amazing grace pattern image front


amazing grace pattern image back

This is the cutting layout with a perfect 22″x18″ FQ. There is no margin for error. If you fall short of fabric, please use the other blue left overs to cut out the background of the smaller star.

Page 2

Rising Star

[a] should be 3″ squares
[e] should be 5-1/2″ squares
[f] should be 5 1/2″ x 10 1/2″ rectangles

Page 6 – Green Pinwheel Star

Green is [a]
Pink is [b]

Page 8 – Log Cabin
Blue #3 is 5-1/2″, not 51-1/2″

Page 8 – Yellow Star
Trim a/e HST to 2-1/2″

Please make sure templates are printed to scale.

Should be Green 3-3/8″ squares and Pink 3″ squares

Intermediate skill level

  • 1 fat quarter bundle (27 fat quarters)
  • 1 fat quarter EACH of Country Confetti light pink, blue, yellow, red, and white
  • 1 yard pink for inner borders
  • 3 1⁄2 yards background fabric (Country Confetti white)
  • 4 2⁄3 yards backing fabric
  • 2⁄3-yard binding fabric
  • 75 ̋ × 75 ̋ batting


fabric requirements 3 yards background country confetti white needs to be 3 1/4 yards
Page 2 G (instead of 4 strips) cut 5 strips 2 1/2″ x WOF strips, cut into 80 instead of (32) 2 1/2″ squares

Page 2:
(F) and (D) cut 2-7/8" squares, not 3-3/8" squares
To make HSTs larger for trimming, cut D and F squares 3-1/4", not 3-3/4"


Fabric Requirements:
1/2 yard of the black for sashing is exactly what you need but include a few more inches or 2/3 yard for extra cutting

Page 3
Sashing – from black fabric cut (12) 1½” × WOF strips. Cut into (20) 1½” × 12″ [q] and (20) 1½” × 10¼” [qq].
Background – (30) 1½” strip (not 17). Cut into (16) [Template X], (32) 1½” × 2¼” [y], (40) 1½” × 12″ [z], (40) 1½” × 10¼” [zz], and (100) 1½” squares [aa].

Page 5
15. Sew 2 [z] to [q]. Make 20 vertical sashing.
Sew 2 [zz] to [qq]. Make 20 horizontal sashing.
17. To make a sashing row, join 5 posts and 4 [qq/zz] horizontal sashing strips.
18. To make a block row, join 5 [q/z] vertical sashing strips and 4 blocks.


page 2 of 4
From background fabric cut (4) 2 1/2″ not 3 1/2″ x WOF strips for inner border